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Mrs Davies' Blog Summer Term Week 5

The children have had a fine week this week, settling back after the half term break which came upon us so very quickly.  They have worked hard. For us, this week has been relatively quiet.


The highlight of the week, for me without doubt has been staff taking our Year 1 children to the Circus on Wednesday evening.  The topic for our Year 1 children this half term is Lights, Camera, Action which began by having a backstage tour of the Torch Theatre and has extended into finding out more about the Circus performance.  The behaviour and engagement with these still young learners at the end of a school day when many were tired - was exceptional.  They were delightful - a credit to their families and teachers.  Well done Year 1.


Our Reception children were also delightful today in the way that they interacted so inquisitively (and often courageously) with the Silent World creatures this afternoon.


Thank you to Jackson and Olivia in Year 5 who represented our Cluster Schools and had lunch with the Director, Mrs Kate Evan Hughes, earlier today.


On Wednesday, 26th June, we have a Family workshop , which will offer parents, carers and grandparents opportunities to find out more about ACEs ( Adverse Childhood Experiences). This has been in the national media throughout this week and I think that you will find our guest speakers ,fascinating to listen to. If not affected by ACEs yourself, without doubt , you will know someone who has been. You will probably be keen to know what we do here at Prendergast to support children who are adversely affected. Please join us, we shall send a letter out to you next week .


Thank you children for being so great!


Have a good weekend.


