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Mrs Davies's Blog Summer Term 2

 A fine and productive week for all , especially our children in Years 2 - 6. The National Test period started on Tuesday and our children have worked exceptionally hard at various tests. Well Done. The fine , dry weather has enabled everyone to make the most of playtimes and the new lunchtime menu has been a real treat for the children.


Our Year Groups are settling into their new topics with visits beginning next week and Aliens having already taken over our Y1 corridor.We look forward to hearing more about the following -


Nursery -Can We Explore It?

Reception - Do Ladybirds Have Spots?

Year One - Moon Zoom

Year Two -Scented Garden

Year Three - Volcanoes

Year Four -The Abyss

Year Five - Beast Creator

Year Six - Gallery Rebels


Only two weeks to go before our Year 6 children go to Celtic Camping!!


Enjoy the weekend!





