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Mrs Davies's Blog . Autumn Term Week 3

The children have had a good week. As always, they are keen to talk about their work and to show some super pieces of learning. Congratulations to all of those young people who have received awards this week or been acknowledged in some way for super work or showing great Values.


We all enjoyed a whole school assembly this morning and our guest visitor was Mrs Natalie Hobbs (Education Welfare Officer, formerly Pupil Support Officer). She spoke to the children about the importance of good attendance and also praised the children for last Year's attendance which reached the school target. We all feel that the attendance badges were a good way to acknowledge good attendance and this will continue throughout 19/20. We heard about he benefits of improved attendance from one pupil in particular who is now totally engaged in her learning.


Recognising International Day of Peace, we also spoke about the importance of being kind and just being nice to others , recognising the importance of feeling calm and appreciating that which we have !


All Cluster Headteachers spent a day together yesterday, planning sheared initiatives for the next two academic years - we look forward to the continual improving of standards for all of our children across our primary schools and in to Haverfordwest High V.C.


We have an INSET Closure Day on Monday, the focus is Maths training ( linking to the new curriculum) for all staff.


Have a good, extended weekend everyone.





