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Mrs. Davies's Blog Spring Term Week 5

We ended this week with an assembly led by 5E.  The children shared their great poetry - using their senses to describe great cities around the world.


We all had a chuckle as well as the chance to learn some great Roman facts when the school watched Mr. Hill and Mr. Layzell present their very own episode of Horrible Histories.  The film had been used as a lesson stimulus at the start of the week and had motivated the children greatly.


Our Year Three children this week have been finding out about all things Welsh and enjoyed making their own Welsh cakes, practising their weighing and measuring skills.


Year One learners are concerned  about the horses that have been left in the field next to the school.  Throughout the week, staff have provided water for the animals and the children are concerned about the most recent notice and the fact that the horses may just be removed!!


We have had Parent's Evenings throughout the week and have seen most of our parents which has been a pleasure - so many great things to report.


Have a good weekend.


