It has been a busy half term, yet passed so quickly, strangely we have already been booking events for next Christmas!
The week has ended with a Dinosaur exhibition, Valentines Discos and a range of rewards and treats for every class.
Throughout this term, we have seen many visitors at our school and have spent time in all classrooms. The children really need to be congratulated for their super effort and levels of engagement throughout this half term. Well done to all of those children who have had successes both inside and outside of school, from Headteacher's Awards to Urdd swimming success and County Rugby achievement.
Today, we celebrated attendance success - some children (60) have been in school every day since September and have received a Gold badge, 94 have been in school for two out of three half terms and 58 have been in school every day since Christmas - Well Done!
We return to school on Monday 24th February and we look forward to St. David's Day celebrations and World Book Day on the first couple of weeks back. Have a great half term with your family and happy Valentines Day.
The school newsletter can be found here: