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Mrs Davies's Summer Term 6 Blog

A very busy week  as across the school as we  finish  assessments, enjoy days out , extend our topic work, and today, as the sun shines more, we practise for school sports day. 


For our Year 6 children particularly , whilst still working hard in class- they prepare for transition. WPC Jennie Thomas worked with our Year 6 classes as well as the Year 7 Learning Coach from STP. A number experienced an Art session at VC Gallery and we look forward to seeing their work being exhibited.


Our very youngest children in the Nursery have started their new topic -" How High can I jump?" and enjoyed visiting Sir Thomas Picton school during Sports Day when older pupils exhibited their sporting skill, delighting and inspiring our little people.


Next week will be equally as busy as the school hosts training  and key staff attend conferences/learning visits. The week will begin with Upbeat/ Samba for Years 1 and 2 and finish with Sports day.


We would love to see you all next Friday -

Nursery and Reception at 9.30am

Years 1 and 2 at 10.45am

Years 3-6 at 1.00 pm 

Let's all hope for good weather!!


Final reminder, if you haven't already shared your views on your child's education to our Estyn team, please do so by following the link and completing the on line questionnaire.

You will find the code on the letter sent home today and on the parent/ carer leaflet sent home with the newsletter before half term.

If you wish , you are more than welcome to come into school and use a computer.


Have a good weekend everybody!

