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Mrs D Davies's Blog - 12.06.20

I hope that you have all had a good week this week. Thank you to all those children who have produced such great learning throughout the week, we are proud of you!

Whilst the Hub continues to run, staff have also been busy getting ready to welcome our children back to school at the end of the month. We are all looking forward to this.

Classrooms are changing in how they look, with far less furniture ready to keep safe groups of around eight children returning on a rota. We are looking carefully at the Welsh Guidance in conjunction with our risk assessment , considering start and finish times, breaktimes etc..

A huge thank you to our parents who completed the  school survey regarding the reopening of our school. Your comments have been exceptionally useful as we plan forward. You should have received two letters in two days regarding reopening, one from the Acting Director yesterday and one from myself today, Friday. We have more news to follow and will keep you updated as to how we progress.


Stay Safe everyone, we hope to see you all very son.


