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Mrs Davies's Blog Autumn Term 2017 1

Dear Parent/Carer,

I write to welcome you to the start of the academic year. Thank you for preparing the children so well for their return – they are a credit to you – looking so smart and ready to learn. We have had an excellent start to the school year with classes settling well into their new routines.

Well done to our new children, I remind their parents and more of you who know the school well that if you have any query or concern – please let us know, there is always someone available to help. Our school website will keep you informed of news in addition to our half termly newsletters and our drop-in clinics will continue throughout this year.

Wednesday 9.00 – 10.00am - Wellbeing – Mrs Morris

Thursday 9.00 – 10.00am - Additional Learning Needs – Mrs Dunlop

Friday 9.00 – 10.00am - Forces Families – Mrs K Reynolds

Over the next couple of weeks, we shall be sending home our ‘Dates for Diaries’ and Family Learning opportunities for the forthcoming term. In advance of this, I can confirm that our first INSET Day is Monday 2nd October 2017 (school will be closed to pupils on this day).

Our Estyn report has now been published which you will be able to access on our school website and at

We shall be involving parents in our plans to address our recommendations with our first event being held on Friday 22nd September 2017, when you will have the opportunity to receive some ideas as to how you can support your child’s reading at home – looking at different strategies, how to comment positively in school diaries, tips for reading for enjoyment/accelerating reading and more about how we teach reading at school and the way forward. I hope that many of you are able to join us.
