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Mrs Davies's Blog Autumn Term Week 6

+Thank you 6K for ending the week by leading the family assembly this morning and thank you to those families who joined us . There has been a focus on wellbeing across the school this week -

healthy minds and bodies .


It was good to have some reminders for the whole school around how to look after ourselves and where to go if we have any problems. It was also a joy to hear about the promises made by each and every pupil in 6K around how they were going to keep improving their wellbeing.


Well done to our Years 3 and 4 Cluster Cross Country team who performed so well at Fenton C.P. on  Wednesday  - we were delighted that the event went ahead after initially being postponed.


Well done Tobi and Elen for winning  the stamp club c ompetition!


Have a good weekend everyone !










