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Mrs Davies's Blog Spring Term - Week 4

It is hard to believe that we have been back in school four weeks since the Christmas holidays and that already half term is approaching!

Senior Leaders at school undertake a Learning and Teaching review this time of year and all have enjoyed seeing the children engage in their learning at such a great level.  We have observed Year 2 children busily helping Mr Matthews with his car problems, Year 1 creating Land art and stick man and Reception classes dissecting dinosaur poo to work out if it was from a herbivore or carnivore.

Throughout the school this week, again, we have seen so many great things - super effort and super homework.

Miss Harte held a drop in session for parents this week with a focus on how to use our Oxford Reading Buddy app.  I remind you all that all of our children from Reception to Year 6 have a passcode to access hundreds of free books that can be accessed via mobile phone or tablet.

The school as paid some considerable money for this provision, so please have a look at it - your child may well love it,  Of course, it will never replace a real book but can be exceptionally useful on times e.g. waiting for appointments/journeys etc..

Thank you 4H for leading our family assembly .

Parents' evenings next week - we hope to see you all.


D Davies
