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Mrs. Davies's Blog Spring Term week 4

As I write at the end of the week, we await the return of our Y4 pupils who have had a great time in Caerleon, finding out even more about the life of Romans.  Well done to them (and parents) for being in school so early and so enthused!  We can't wait to find out their news.


I hope that you have all seen the letter sent home by pupil post today which informs parents of our school categorisation for this year, which driven by our Estyn inspection outcomes, is set as Amber.  This allows the school to receive additional LA support as we work towards our recommendations.  Schools have also been graded A - D on their capacity to improve (A being the highest grade), our school has been categorised as B.


Mrs Dunlop, our Deputy Headteacher is sadly due to leave us at the end of this term.  Mrs Dunlop has experienced some ill health of late and wishes to take early retirement.  We wish her all the best and cannot express how much we shall miss her.  The school hopes to recruit a new Deputy Headteacher in the very near future and will obviously keep you informed.


On Monday, our Year One children started their Kerbcraft program, learning valuable road safety skills. Well Done children!


On Wednesday, Years 3, 4 and 5 enjoyed a Science workshop - Who Wants to be a Superhero?, and today, Construction Club has started with visiting professionals for target groups of learners, promoting confidence and social skills.


Thank you to the parents of Y6 children who attended our family workshop on Wednesday, "Walking through" a Reading National Test paper - we hope to continue more such activities as the term progresses and hope that you will be able to join us.


Have a good weekend!




