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Mrs Davies's Blog

Bore Da Everyone,

I keep being reminded that it is the end of the first week of the Summer Term and I am sure that for our children and many parents, like myself , this is a hard concept to grasp.

The school has remained open, repurposed for emergency childcare, teachers are working exceptionally hard as are so many children but everything is very different whilst we are apart as  a school family.

Staff communicate electronically, Senior leaders at school talk throughout the day , everyday, but often remotely and we make contact with hundreds of learners and families every week but via telephone and learning platforms.

Every child at school has access to a wealth of activities. If any parent has any problems in gaining access or worries about home learning, please give the school a call or contact your child's teacher.

Whilst I am aware of the work that our children are undertaking at home and we see super examples, we enjoy reading the daily comments that our children post, I understand fully that our parents and carers are not teachers and anything that can be done to support learning is a bonus. The only real important thing for me is that our children are safe and well, able to see this peculiar time at home as one of enjoyment and that they can look back at these new experiences with some really good memories. If the weather is good and you have some garden space, then enjoy it together. I don't want any of our parents to overly worry about home learning. We have a wealth of skilled practitioners at school who will pick up the children's learning wherever it is at when we return to school - that is what we do.

I just want them to be happy and well. Everyone of them is precious.


Have a good weekend . Children  - please remember to clap for our NHS heroes every Thursday and please give an extra clap for your school staff who are working so hard  for you and still coming into school to support the children of critical keyworkers . I always give them a clap but also a clap to your parents and carers - your very own heroes who are working so hard during this time.


Take Care.



