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Hello Children,

we are all thinking about you and missing you. We are about to spend another 3 weeks in "lockdown" at home with our families. This is extremely important and whilst you may be missing your friends and family members and  missing also enjoying life out and about, it is critical that you stay safe and well. We shall all remember these days for many years to come so fill them with good memories - learn new skills, focus on your learning and show the family you live with how great you are at showing values - be kind children!

Whilst we all miss being together, it is far more important to stay safe - we shall have good times together again when school is back to normal and we shall share our stories of the things that we have been up to.

Think of the wonderful Captain Tom who is making a difference through this difficult time and think how you too can make a difference, bringing joy to others.


Take care boys and girls.


Mrs Davies




