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  • Autumn Term Week 8

    Fri 26 Oct 2018 Mrs D Davies

    We have reached half term after eight fun weeks at school. A big thank you to Year 4 who ended the week in leading our Harvest celebration. We all loved the story of Stone Soup , with the important message of sharing. It was good to focus upon an appreciation for all that we have and to realise how lucky we are to have such an availability and choice of foods. Many thanks to all those who brought tins and dried produce and/ or a financial donation for PATCH, already these items have been delivered and will hopefully make a real difference to those who need it. Thank You.

    Well Done to all of those children who had 100% attendance this half term and who have been awarded a Bronze badge  - if you didn't receive a badge - you will have the chance next half term and beyond.


    As the holiday approaches, we hope that you have a good break with your families and ask our children to be careful when out and about as we always do, especially if Trick or Treating or around Fireworks.


    Have a good week.



  • October 2018 Newsletter

    Fri 26 Oct 2018
  • Autumn Term Week Seven

    Fri 19 Oct 2018 Mrs D Davies

    Thank you to all the children for a great week at school. It is hard to believe that we have already reached the end of Week Seven and that the end of half term is rapidly approaching.


    There are many things to celebrate this week. We must congratulate all of our Reception children through to Y6 for showing such maturity when having their flu vaccinations.

    We must also congratulate all our Cross Country runners who did so well at yesterday's event - everyone is to be celebrated , in addition big cheers to those who secured medal positions.


    Next week, all parents are invited to meet the teachers for their child's individual progress meetings and we hope to see you at school. We also have our Year 6 Writing Squad attend  Lamphey school to work with one of the Two Steves!!


    I am sure that the children will not let us forget the planned discos on Thursday evening !


    Thank you all the parents who attended the Independence workshop this week.


    We look forward to seeing you next week! Have a good weekend.



  • Autumn Term Week Six

    Fri 12 Oct 2018 Mrs D Davies

    The week ended with a special assembly led by our children  in 6K . The assembly provided us with some very important messages around the importance of good mental health. The children spoke about the importance of realising how unique we all are and that everyone is special and when you catch someone doing a good thing, then share it. I always feel that this is something that our children always do well at in Prendergast - everyday , we hear compliments given to children who have shown good Values -either by the giving of a token, or simply with words. The children show real appreciation.


    The messages continued with a reminder as to how we can share any problems at our school - though Check Ins, by talking to a trusted adult, using a Worry Box etc. and for the older children particularly, the opportunity to stay calm and appreciative by the use of reflection or Yoga. Thank You 6k. 


    We are always proud of our children but we are also proud of our staff    - we must give a special mention to Mrs Picton Jones, who this week, who enjoyed an awards gala with celebrities and spent an afternoon with the Prime Minister in recognition of her dedication towards improving mental health in rural communities.


    Have a good weekend everyone, be careful in the high winds if out and about.



  • Additional Learning Needs and Inclusion Events

    Wed 10 Oct 2018 Mr Voros

    Please find the following events that are available for parents to attend over the coming term. If interested, please book with the providers directly. 



  • Autumn Term Week Five

    Fri 05 Oct 2018 Mrs D Davies

    Thank you everyone for  a good week at school. It has been a joy to spend time with the children this week and see them engage so enthusiastically in their learning. 


    Our older children are thoroughly enjoying their Missions and Genius Hour activities and all classes are now well underway with their new topics.


    Well done to our Urdd Rugby team who played so well in today's match and good luck to those families involved Sunday's half marathon in Cardiff. Many of our staff members will be either running or walking the event -all in support of the DPJ Foundation. 


    We must congratulate Mrs Picton Jones for working so tirelessly as the founder of this charity. I am proud to write that yet again her work has been recognised and she will be visiting London next week to meet with the Prime Minister.


    Have a lovely weekend everyone.



