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  • Mrs Davies' Blog 16.10.20

    Fri 16 Oct 2020 Mrs D Davies

    We have reached the end of half term and I want to thank everyone for their huge effort in getting our children back to school so safely and successfully. The children have been remarkable in the way that they have settled into new routines. Parents and carers also have been fantastic at entry and exit times. With a new half term starting, I ask those who arrive late with children to realise the impact this has on the safety of the school when staff need to leave whole class bubbles to receive late arrivals  - please ensure that you are on time, we have a phased entry period to support you with this.

    When our children return to school , we shall continue with the same level of safety protocol as that we have implemented this half term. We ask that you all have a fantastic half term and are able to enjoy yourselves with your household bubble - in a safe manner, helping your families and your school family ( children and staff) to stay well when we return to school.

    I would like to thank you all for your Harvest donations for PATCH - the response has been amazing as has sponsored donations towards Year 6's sponsored event for charity - over £600!!! 


    You will receive a letter via link today which will give you more updates as well as a link to our Harvest Celebration which I hope that you will be able to enjoy with your child/ children.


    Have a safe break!



  • Mrs Davies's Blog 09:10:20

    Fri 09 Oct 2020 Mrs D Davies

    Thank you all for a lovely week and thank you 6C for leading this week's assembly. Parents of 6C can access the assembly from the website if they wish to watch it .

    As Half Term approaches, please remember that this year there are two weeks holiday and our children return to school on 2nd November. This is due to the school being open for the first week of the summer holidays.


    You should have all received two letters over the past couple of days which remind us of events at school next week.


    On Thursday 15th, we shall be celebrating Shwmae Day ,enjoying the Welsh language and joining in activities which include a virtual gig.  Children  can choose to wear red, white and/ or green .


    On Friday 16th, we have our Harvest Service and again this will be a virtual event. We normally collect food donations for PATCH and I do feel that this year more than ever we should donate in order to support our local families in our Pembrokeshire community who may be struggling at this current and difficult time.

    We shall make the collection as safe as possible and therefore on Thursday and Friday we shall leave food trolleys at the main gate and outside the main Reception area so that you or your child can drop in a tin or maybe some dried produce. If everyone could provide a tin of beans or soup or rice / pasta for example, the food bank reserves would be greatly boosted. Please try and support with this if you can - I know that our grandparents will support too, so do pass the message on please.


    I hope that you are all well and keeping safe . I urge you all to  please take care over the weekend now that Covid is spreading, we all have a responsibility to care for each other  - every member of our school community is precious . 




  • Mrs Davies's Blog 02:10:20

    Fri 02 Oct 2020 Mrs D Davies

    Dear Parent/ Carer,

    all of our children have now been at school for four full weeks and it has been great to see them settle in so well. Half term is looming and we are al pleased that they have adapted to school life within their class bubbles and following many new practices.

    I am so grateful to the supply teachers who have joined our staff bubble, showing so much enthusiasm and dedication to the classes that they have been teaching. We have had considerable staff absence this term and without these professionals , we would not have been able to offer what we need for all of our children.

    I have written a letter to our parents and carers today, informing you all about our parent, carer/teacher consultations which we shall be conducting via telephone. Each class will be allocated a day and you will have a choice regarding timings. This will be an opportunity for teachers to let you know as to how well your child is settling into class this term and for you to ask any questions or offer information.

    Today, Class 6C led the first class assembly of the academic year, which you are able to view and we continued with our whole school virtual assembly which the children enjoy.


    We plan to share our virtual Harvest festival with all parents this year which we see as a real positive way forward as normally our hall audience is only one year group.


    Thank you for providing your child with a warm coat everyday. We want the children to be outdoors as much as possible. and thank you also for the manner in which you socially distance from others on entry and pick up, keeping us all safe .


    Have a good weekend everyone.


