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  • Mrs Davies's Blog Autumn Term Week 4

    Fri 27 Sep 2019 Mrs D Davies

    What an end to a great week at school, finishing with a gathering over coffee to support MacMillan Cancer Relief and following a super family assembly led by 6C earlier in the day. The whole school learned even more about climate change, whilst our oldest pupils made their individual pledges for change.


    This week also , we have appointed our Head Boy and Head Girl, huge congratulations to Jackson S and Lily C. They were superb in interview and a credit to their school and families. We all look forward to working with them throughout the year. Massive congratulations also to all of those young people who applied for the posts    - they were all, without exception, absolutely great and I am very proud of all of them.


    Our topic work which is directed towards the new curriculum is very positive throughout the school.Our youngest children in reception had a great time at the park this week  as an integral part of their work.Individual class photos were taken yesterday and we anticipate the proofs arriving shortly.


    Have a good weekend everyone, it was good to see so many families at school today.




  • Urgent information please be aware of the following

    Thu 26 Sep 2019

    The police have shared information with the local authority today (26/09/19) following 2 separate incidents this week within the county of pupils being asked to enter a car whilst walking home from school.   We, as a school will be reminding pupils of ‘stranger danger’ and how to stay safe.

    Pupils and parents are reminded of the need to be vigilant, and wherever possible pupils should walk together in pairs or in small groups, they should walk home via a route which is the most visible to other members of the public, and if approached they should walk to a more public area and call for assistance or phone 999 in an emergency.

  • Mrs Davies's Blog . Autumn Term Week 3

    Fri 20 Sep 2019 Mrs D Davies

    The children have had a good week. As always, they are keen to talk about their work and to show some super pieces of learning. Congratulations to all of those young people who have received awards this week or been acknowledged in some way for super work or showing great Values.


    We all enjoyed a whole school assembly this morning and our guest visitor was Mrs Natalie Hobbs (Education Welfare Officer, formerly Pupil Support Officer). She spoke to the children about the importance of good attendance and also praised the children for last Year's attendance which reached the school target. We all feel that the attendance badges were a good way to acknowledge good attendance and this will continue throughout 19/20. We heard about he benefits of improved attendance from one pupil in particular who is now totally engaged in her learning.


    Recognising International Day of Peace, we also spoke about the importance of being kind and just being nice to others , recognising the importance of feeling calm and appreciating that which we have !


    All Cluster Headteachers spent a day together yesterday, planning sheared initiatives for the next two academic years - we look forward to the continual improving of standards for all of our children across our primary schools and in to Haverfordwest High V.C.


    We have an INSET Closure Day on Monday, the focus is Maths training ( linking to the new curriculum) for all staff.


    Have a good, extended weekend everyone.






  • Mrs Davies' Blog - Autumn Term Week 2

    Fri 13 Sep 2019 Mrs D Davies

    What a great week at school.  Children (and staff) have now fully settled into the new school year's routines and practices.  The summer holidays are a distant past as Autumn emerges and we look forward to the term ahead.


    We congratulate all our newbies throughout the school for settling so well and remind our parents and carers that Mrs. Reynolds is now sharing our Wellbeing Keyworker role with Mrs. Morris.  She, like Mrs. Morris, checks up on our children's Check Ins and is also available for our parents should you wish to share a concern or just have a chat.


    Today, all of our children from Reception to Year 6 were spoken to by 'Jude', our NSPCC presenter.  Hopefully, the children will come home and talk to you about what has been said.  "Speak Out" is the key message.  Speak Out to teachers, staff, parents,regular school visitors, if necessary childline.  Our children responded brilliantly - they know that their daily Check Ins are also a way of telling us how they feel.


    School Council Elections next week!!!


    We are hoping to open our café very soon.


    Reminder, INSET Closure Day on Monday the 23rd of September.


    Have a good weekend.



  • Mrs Davies' Blog - Autumn Term Week 1

    Fri 06 Sep 2019 Mrs Davies

    Welcome back to the new term everyone and of course, to the start of the new academic year 2019-2020.


    It was so good to see our children return to school, ready to start their new classes.  Check Ins were high and there was a real sense of togetherness again.  The children looked so smart (thank you parents and carers for this - we do understand the pressures of getting kit ready for the new school year) and all engaged well with settling in with new staff.


    We welcome all of our new children to school and also our new teachers - Mr Hill, Miss Griffiths, Miss Keating and Mrs Davies.


    As Headteacher, I certainly look forward to working with you all in a continued positive manner - we have many great things planned for the year ahead!



