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  • Mrs Davies's Blog 29;01:21

    Fri 29 Jan 2021 Mrs D Davies

    It is again hard to believe that we have reached the end of another week. Thank you to everyone who is working so hard , whether that is at home or at school . A big well done to all parents and carers who are supporting with learning at home. You are doing a great job.


    You will know by now that Welsh Government have announced that there could be a phased return for our very youngest learners  beginning 22nd February if Coronavirus continues to reduce in Wales . When the school receives more information about this, we shall inform you.


    I hope that you managed to access our "whole school " assembly today. It was great to hear our teachers talk about your huge efforts.

    I am proud of you all.

    Please stay safe and well and have a good weekend.



  • Mrs Davies's Blog 22:01:21

    Fri 22 Jan 2021 Mrs D Davies

    We are at the end of another week . Well done to so many for trying so very hard with working from home - both children and parents. Some of the work is delightful  - we love watching you join in the live sessions.

    Thank you for your kind comments also, each one is passed on to staff and really appreciated .


    I hope that you are settling into these routines more now and that today was a Fun Friday for you.


    If you have any worries or concerns, please contact the school. There is always someone here to help.


    Have a good weekend everyone and please stay safe.




  • Mrs Davis's Blog 15.01.21

    Fri 15 Jan 2021 Mrs D Davies

    It is the end of a full week of distance learning in this latest lockdown.

    I am so proud of our school community. I am proud of our staff who have worked so hard at on line learning this week , whilst some of them still teaching at school. I am proud of our children, who we have seen throughout the school , engaging in learning in so many different ways. I am certainly proud of the parents/ grandparents / carers who have worked so hard throughout the week with home learning, often balancing work and family commitments. I am also proud of the children that we have at school, who are working in unusual circumstances. A big well done and thank you o you all. Hopefully, you will have some well deserved family time to look forward to this weekend.


    It has been a joy to see so many children communicating from their own homes this week, engaging in live sessions. We have loved looking at the work that is being posted on line. Again, thank you and well done for this.


    We need to keep going like this until the end of the month at least - and to stay safe. 


    Take Care all.



  • Mrs Davies's Blog 08/01/21

    Fri 08 Jan 2021 Mrs D Davies

    Happy New Year to all and I hope that you and your families are safe and well. I am well aware that this is a difficult time for all.

    On Wednesday, our school reopened for the children of critical workers and vulnerable learners identified by the school. In addition, our learners at home began their distance learning. Throughout the week , we have been anxiously awaiting news from the Welsh Government regarding the way forward with milestones shifted throughout the week . Today we have had some welcome answers which enable us to embark upon our distance learning in the way that we hoped  - investing in some live sessions and using some different vehicles to engage our learners throughout the school .

    We will do everything we can to ensure that our families are supported  - please see the letter sent to you today for further clarification.


    Stay Safe.





