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  • Mrs Davies's Blog Summer Term Week 11

    Fri 19 Jul 2019 Mrs D Davies

    The end of school year is here and for some of us , we cannot believe that a year has passed.


    It is with mixed emotion that we say farewell and good luck to our Year 6 pupils who have been fantastic.Throughout the years they have proved themselves to be inspirational and exceptional young people and we shall not forget them. We look forward to hearing about their wonderful futures as they go on to secondary school. They have been wonderfully supported by their great families who have been a joy to work with.


    I wish every one of our children and their parents and carers, a super break over the summer, a well deserved holiday from school after working so hard throughout the year. We have urged the children to stay safe when out and about over the next few weeks, we want a safe return for all on 4th September.



    Please have a look at our latest newsletter when you have the time. The link is here: 


    Thank you everyone for a really good academic year 18/19 !

  • Mrs Davies' Blog Summer Term Week 10

    Fri 12 Jul 2019 Mrs D Davies

    This week has passed so quickly, the end of term will soon be with us.  We are all, in our own ways preparing for next academic year.  Teachers are discussing topics and children in their new classes, children are looking ahead, many working at pieces of work in next year's books - ready to "show off" to their new teachers, and leaders are establishing the focus for next academic year, preparing events and bookings.


    Parents/Carers, you will have next year's calendar dates next week.  In addition, for the parents of children in Years 2 -6 you will receive information regarding your child's National Test results.  This year the Numeracy Procedural Test was delivered electronically via Hwb (we shall be sending you guidance as to how to access this test result).  The other two tests remained as paper versions - Reading and Numeracy Reasoning - as in previous years, we shall be sending these results to you.  As always I remind you please to remember that these tests are just a "Snapshot" of your child's assessment process.  Teachers who work with the children everyday, have a far greater understanding as to where your child is at with his/her learning, therefore the teacher assessment information is so important, alongside work in books.


    We thank our young children in Reception for leading our family assembly this morning and also thank everyone who organised, donated and attended our school fete this afternoon.  It is always good to have so many families at school.


    As we look forward to next week, we prepare for Year 6 to enjoy a day at the beach, Reception children to visit Goodwick beach and our Year 5 (Scream Machine) learners to spend time at Imagination VR and of course we shall all enjoy (but with some mixed emotion), our Leaver's assembly on Thursday.


    Have a good weekend everyone!



  • Mrs Davies's Blog. Summer Term Week 9

    Fri 05 Jul 2019 Mrs D Davies

    The end of the term is approaching far too quickly and whilst the children are in good spirits, there is that end of year feeling again with our very oldest children whereby they just want to enjoy the last school days together with their class family. The week began with transition to Year 7 for our Y6 children ( and transition also for all, across the school) and ended with us saying goodbye and good luck to Hermione as she and her family leave to begin a new life in Texas. Leavers hoodies being distributed in the afternoon has made the end of term seem very near.

    During the last hours of he school week, we welcomed our new Nursery children into their transition afternoon.


    Well done to our Year One children who led our family assembly this morning, lots of grown ups were emotionally moved by the beautiful singing !


    Parent questionnaires have been sent home at the end of this week, please if you can spare a few minutes, complete and return to school. We really do value your opinions and need information from you in order to help us to continually improve our school.


    Reminder, class photos on Monday. Please ensure that you have returned your child's permission slip


    Have a good weekend everyone !

