Literacy Tasks
Can you follow the link below to watch, listen and join in with the speed sounds for today? These are super important for your reading and writing skills :) The videos will be available at 9:30am everyday for 24 hours.
Sounds for today-
Set 1- t
Set 2- oo- poo at the zoo
Set 3- o-e
Reading longer words- ow/o-e/oa
Once you have watched the right sounds for today can you open and read through our PowerPoint "All About New Year"?
Maths Warm Up
To warm your brains up ready for our work today can you count to 10 using your fingers?
Can you now count to 20 using your fingers and another persons' fingers too?
Can you count to 10 in 2's?
Our new topic for this term is..."A Whole New Year".
We are very excited to see what 2021 brings for us all and with our learning we are focusing on the Values that we show and if there are any Values we would like to work on and improve.
Using this grid can you meet the super challenge of completing one per day for your topic activities? If you like the look of any more, please feel free to complete them :)
You can show us your learning by recording videos, recording voice notes, writing or drawing the challenges or being creative in whichever way you like! You can upload your work to show us on Class Dojos :)
Good luck!