Year 1 have been taken over by Pirates!
The children have been enjoying learning the Pirate Tom story using talk for writing actions to help us remember. The children have been fantastic at learning the story in a short space of time. I think they may know it better than the adults.
We have shared below our story maps for each chapter and our first attempt at a whole class retell.
We hope you enjoy!
Year 1 have been loving their Outdoor learning sessions.
We have been measuring items with a ruler. We have been identifying heavy and light items.
We have been making 2D shapes with natural material. We have been ordering items by size.
We have been putting out green fingers to the test to see if we could grown broad beans.
We hope you have had a nice break. Home learning can be found in Learning - Home Learning - year 1 star.
Year 1 Team
Wellington Wednesday
Below you will find images from two weeks of learning.
We have been doing maths on field and literacy in the wild area.
All the boys and girls in Year 1 haves loved being outdoor.
What a wonderful week we have had so far in Year 1!
We have been very busy completing lots of reading, writing and number activities.
We have also started our lovely topic of "What makes our world wonderful?" by looking at the woodland area- I wonder what we will find out about!
Here are some pictures of our great activities.