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Literacy Tasks

Can you follow the link below to watch, listen and join in with the speed sounds for today? These are super important for your reading and writing skills :) The videos will be available at 9:30am everyday for 24 hours. 


Sounds for today-

Set 1- p

Set 2- or

Set 3- are

Reading longer words- air/ar


Your task today is describing the following firework picture using 5 senses sentences- they can be short "I see..." sentences or as long and descriptive as you like. They can be written or recorded! 

Our 5 senses are:

- See






I know I would be able to see the bright colours, smell the burning, feel the cold and hear the bang! Please use these to help you if you are stuck :) We are going to leave the sense of "taste" up to you as a challenge! 

Good luck- we can't wait to hear them and read them!


Thursday Firework Picture

Maths Warm Up

How many shapes can you see around the room you are in now? 

Can you find a circle, square, rectangle and triangle?

Can you spot or name any 3D shapes?

