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Mrs Davies' Blog - Autumn Term Week 2

What a great week at school.  Children (and staff) have now fully settled into the new school year's routines and practices.  The summer holidays are a distant past as Autumn emerges and we look forward to the term ahead.


We congratulate all our newbies throughout the school for settling so well and remind our parents and carers that Mrs. Reynolds is now sharing our Wellbeing Keyworker role with Mrs. Morris.  She, like Mrs. Morris, checks up on our children's Check Ins and is also available for our parents should you wish to share a concern or just have a chat.


Today, all of our children from Reception to Year 6 were spoken to by 'Jude', our NSPCC presenter.  Hopefully, the children will come home and talk to you about what has been said.  "Speak Out" is the key message.  Speak Out to teachers, staff, parents,regular school visitors, if necessary childline.  Our children responded brilliantly - they know that their daily Check Ins are also a way of telling us how they feel.


School Council Elections next week!!!


We are hoping to open our café very soon.


Reminder, INSET Closure Day on Monday the 23rd of September.


Have a good weekend.


