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  • Mrs Davies's Blog Spring Term 4

    Fri 27 Jan 2017 Mrs Davies

    I have thoroughly enjoyed this week at school.  Every day we see special things happening.

    The first to mention in this week's Blog must be our Swimming Squad who represented School, County and their families so amazingly at the Urdd Swimming Championships in Cardiff last weekend.

    Our boys' team returned with Silver Medals - Ben, Josh B, Josh P and Kian and our girls' team narrowly missed out on a Bronze Medal - Well done Amy, Lucy J, Nia and Sophie - we cannot congratulate Ben B enough! - Number One - Gold Medal!  What a fantastic achievement for all these young people and so very well deserved.  Their determination is to be applauded.  Well done to Gabe and Rhys for performing at County Rugby level!!

    This is the time of year when we undertake a complete annual Learning and Teaching Review at school which involves talking to our learners throughout the school and listening in during specific lessons.  Throughout this week, Mrs Dunlop and myself have spent time in every class from Nursery to Year 4 and we have been delighted with the manner in which our children are learning - whether we were a part of our Nursery boys and girls making snowmen, looking at cold climates or "snowball throwing" to acting out the Three Billy Goats Gruff and building homes of sticks in Reception, working with Supertato in Year One, making potions and cauldrons in Year Two, visiting Italy to watch the rugby and making pizza in Year 3 to being expert Scientists in Year Four - all our children were having fun and learning so well.

    We had the Headteacher and a great group of Senior Teachers from Sketty C. P. School to join us this week, it was a great day for all -sharing our learning experiences.


    Congratulations to Miss C Morgans (LSA) who won the staff medal this week, nominated for her great Values and wonderful smile and because "she just loves working at our school".


    Have a good weekend.

  • Mrs Davies's Blog Spring Term 3

    Fri 20 Jan 2017 Mrs D Davies

    We have had another great week at school and also a super end to the week. We recognise the daily efforts of our children, indeed,every day there are Caught Moments whereby we witness the determination of so many and also the manner in which they approach their work and demonstrate Values . There are too many highlights to mention but this week's Blog will offer some specific examples.


    We all heard today in assembly about two of our Year 6 members - Caleb and Keely, who, when some of their classmates needed catch up on a data base task, took time to expertly show their friends the skills that were taught during the session  - their partner teaching was excellent.


    We also " Caught" Charlotte in Year 3 who looks beautiful with her new shorter hair style, having given her cut length of hair to charity to support the making of wigs for those who need it.


    Our dedicated Swimming team members who will represent our school and county at the Urdd finals in Cardiff tomorrow have given hours and hours of free time to the sport in order to reach the level of excellence that they have acquired -  we wish them Pob Luc , to us they will be the winning team .. regardless of medal table results!!!!!!!


    The highlight of the week for nearly all of us has been  about Ellie, who has used a wheelchair for many years, before more recently using two sticks to aid her walking. She wanted to learn to walk unaided before leaving Prendergast in a couple of years and had set herself the target of trying to walk with one stick before the end of this academic year -although it was her dream to walk before her 9th birthday in a few weeks time!! Today, our whole school family watched her take independent steps across the hall during assembly! What an inspiration, proving to all of us that if you work hard and are determined to succeed - your dreams can come true!!


    Have a good weekend all!



  • Mrs Davies's Blog Spring Term 2

    Fri 13 Jan 2017 Mrs Davies

    A very quick week has passed at school.  All classes are settling in with their new topics and the planning for this half term is looking very exciting indeed.


    WPC Jennie Thomas has continued to work with our school this week and Year 4 had an excellent "Friend or Foe" session on Tuesday.  Year 5 enjoyed chatting to 94 year old George (one of our best friends from the Day Centre).


    The English Medium Secondary Education Consultation period opened earlier this week and runs until the end of February, I urge you to respond.  As parents of the school, your views are valuable and you will have information sent home to you.  Alternatively, you can respond via the Pembrokeshire County Council website.


    We have had many Caught Moments throughout the week, which have been shared in our whole school assemblies.  The children have been keen for a staff member to be nominated for an award on a weekly basis - this week, for the first official award, nominated by staff was Mrs Devereux for welcoming new staff in the Nursery.  Also for helping the children learn about topics they are interested in.


    We have been fortunate regarding January's mild weather.  In the event of school disruption due to severe weather conditions, rest assured that information will be posted on this website and that of Pembrokeshire County Council in addition to our regular texts which you are all used to receiving from school.


    Have a good weekend.

  • Mrs Davies's Blog Spring Term 1

    Fri 06 Jan 2017 Mrs Da

    Happy New Year to everyone involved with our school, I do so hope that you have had a restful and enjoyable break. Despite the early return to school, the children are energised and ready to begin their new topics.


    We welcome back Mrs Picton Jones to Year One and look forward to working with Mrs Rowlands in Year Five. Likewise, we welcome all our newbies throughout the school and our 26 Nursery newbies, some of whom have had their first day today.

    We all liked the story about our Year One newbie who checked in on a 10 on his first day and checked out on a 1 because he didn't want to go home after having a great day at school!! Everyone, including Mum was pleased -that is what want!


    Thank you to all those parents who attended  the ELSA afternoon yesterday, we look forward to our new groups beginning next week.


    Year 6  children enjoyed their Victorian afternoon today whilst Year 2 participated in  their Messy time as part of their new topic ,Year 5 had a visit from one of our best friends from the Day Centre as part of their planning for autobiography activities and all classes have made an excellent start to the new term!!!


