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  • Mrs Davies's Blog Summer Term 9

    Fri 30 Jun 2017 Mrs D Davies

    How busy the school has been this week! 


    We have had some great moments from an owl visiting Year Three on Monday to Year 1 children moving exploring the "rainforest" in a jeep. Year 2 had a visit from a Bear on a Piano and our Reception children walked the plank with Betty Knuckles (who was also a visitor in assembly this morning). The children in Year 4 explored the Blue Abyss further with investigating the mass of real fish.


    All in all it has been a busy week for everyone and we have had many visitors including our Estyn Team.


    We all hope that Transition arrangements will have gone well for our Year 6 children and hope that they will have another successful day on Monday  - school is certainly quieter and very strange without them.

  • Mrs D. Davies Summer Term 8

    Sat 24 Jun 2017 Mrs D Davies

    It has been a very busy week again this week, so much has happened.


    I would like to thank parents for their kind comments about our School Sports and the one parent in particular who e mailed school to say how much she appreciated the care given to her little person  by our Year 6 Sports Ambassadors, with encouragement to complete the set activities. I too, found that a very special aspect of the day and one which reflects our school so well. The older children are so amazing with our younger ones and it is a joy to see this in our school family setting.


    A group of our MoD Year 6 children have been working with The VC Gallery following on from the whole year group visit as part of their Gallery Rebels topic. The children have been working on a specific piece of Art which has been exhibited and we very much look forward to the work arriving at school soon when you will be able to see it on display. The painting will celebrate Armed Forces Day.


    Our learning continues to be really great around the school. Our Nursery boys and girls have continued to focus on  How High Can I Jump? and have spent time in their Sports Shop, we saw a little pirate in Reception and a sloth in Year 1! It is Bear Crazy  in Year2........ Year 3 were investigating owl pellets today! Have a look at the photos on their class page.


    The highlight of the week for me was T in Reception who arrived at school in his very smartest clothes with a basket of goodies to celebrate Eid. He shared some wonderful homework with the rest of his class - thank you T!!


    Next week will continue to be busy, we welcome our Estyn team at school. Staff and children look forward to sharing our school experiences with them .   A reminder to parents that you are welcome to meet with some members of our Estyn team on Monday at 3.45 if you would like to. The meeting will take place in the hall and staff will look after your children ( just complete the slip sent home or let us know if you wish us to do so).


    Year 6 will experience their first Transition Day on Friday, we wish them the very best. I am sure that they will have a great time with lots of news for all of us. We shall hold our Transition Day at school a little later in the term after school reports go home and new classes for September are set. We still have many exciting things to experience in the four weeks before the end of term.


    Have a great weekend everyone!!

  • Mrs Davies's Blog Summer Term 7

    Fri 16 Jun 2017 Mrs D Davies

    What a great end to a busy week at school. The weather was great for us to  enjoy our Sports Day together. As usual, the children were a credit to us all. It is always special to have the opportunity to look at them as they enjoy being outside, having some fun as they try their hardest in all challenges. Throughout the year , our older children have many opportunities to participate in competitive sports, our delivery of Sports Day has to be one that is best for our school - children working together in small teams , enjoying and supporting each other. Thank you to all of you who joined us today, many members of families who travelled great distances and thank you also for your kind comments about the delightful behaviour of our children. What a special day.


    The week started with Upbeat delivering a day of Samba and Beat Band Boogie to the children in Years 1 and 2 - they were fascinated and everyone was keen to have a go -the corridor was filled with "music" and the sounds of laughter for the whole day!


    We are grateful to LA colleague, Mrs Rose Davies , who has been working with our Rights Council over the past couple of terms. The children have completed some work with her that they were keen to attempt- matching our Values to the United Nations Rights. It took them some hours and considerable deep thinking but they have done it ! It will be shared with others across the school over the next few weeks and in terms to follow.


    Yesterday our little people in Reception spent the day at Cilgerran , enjoying time learning outdoors. They were both full of chatter and tired upon return. I am sure that Mums and Dads and Carers enjoyed many stories last night.


    Enjoy the fine weather this weekend everyone and stay safe . Happy Fathers Day for those who will celebrate it and Happy Weekend to all. 



  • Mrs Davies's Summer Term 6 Blog

    Fri 09 Jun 2017 Mrs D Davies

    A very busy week  as across the school as we  finish  assessments, enjoy days out , extend our topic work, and today, as the sun shines more, we practise for school sports day. 


    For our Year 6 children particularly , whilst still working hard in class- they prepare for transition. WPC Jennie Thomas worked with our Year 6 classes as well as the Year 7 Learning Coach from STP. A number experienced an Art session at VC Gallery and we look forward to seeing their work being exhibited.


    Our very youngest children in the Nursery have started their new topic -" How High can I jump?" and enjoyed visiting Sir Thomas Picton school during Sports Day when older pupils exhibited their sporting skill, delighting and inspiring our little people.


    Next week will be equally as busy as the school hosts training  and key staff attend conferences/learning visits. The week will begin with Upbeat/ Samba for Years 1 and 2 and finish with Sports day.


    We would love to see you all next Friday -

    Nursery and Reception at 9.30am

    Years 1 and 2 at 10.45am

    Years 3-6 at 1.00 pm 

    Let's all hope for good weather!!


    Final reminder, if you haven't already shared your views on your child's education to our Estyn team, please do so by following the link and completing the on line questionnaire.

    You will find the code on the letter sent home today and on the parent/ carer leaflet sent home with the newsletter before half term.

    If you wish , you are more than welcome to come into school and use a computer.


    Have a good weekend everybody!

