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  • Spring Term 2019. Week Seven

    Fri 22 Feb 2019 Mrs D Davies

    There was a real buzz around school today, the last day in a very long half term. I believe it was a mix of good weather, looking forward to next week, some great Golden Time activities planned, 4R leading our community assembly, the excitement of our newsletter going on line to all (staff love it) and also the prospect for so many children of having an attendance badge. We know how much it means to some children and staff, myself included to earn a Gold Badge !! How impressive that our attendance for this Year is 96% and we have over 60 children receiving a Bronze badge, over 100 having a Silver and over 70 with a Gold, well done everyone. Special note also to those who have improved attendance or for those who still have good attendance but have been poorly.


    Today, we say goodbye to Miss Roberts who leaves the school for another career and also to go back to college to learn. Our older children were particularly attentive when she told them that she had been at the school, officially for 6 years but in reality for the best part of 20. She actually taught Mr Jenkins when he was at Tenby school around age 7 !!


    I hope that all of you have now been able to download the school APP and that grandparents and other carers have had the opportunity also, we hope that it will keep you even better informed. You will be able to receive alerts directly from our website and we  shall still have our texting service.


    Have a good half term everyone - stay safe please. Today, we send out our electronic newsletter, please follow the link if you need to -

    Enjoy the break. We return on Monday 4th March and will celebrate St Davids Day on the 5th March.



  • Spring Term 2019. Week Six

    Fri 15 Feb 2019 Mrs D Davies

    Half term is now quickly approaching and the children have achieved so much, there is still much left to do.


    The week has ended with three great Valentines' discos and a parent workshop providing families on how they can support at home with Maths - these workshops continue after half term and we hope that some of you will be able to join us to find out more about the new curriculum.

    Next week we hold our parent/teacher meetings , so we expect to see many families together at school.


    We hope that you will have all seen the notice that went home today, informing you of our new school App and how families can access school information and alerts. Our regular newsletter which is normally sent home to you as a hard copy , will from next week onwards, be in an electronic format. If there are any of you who would require a hard copy, then you only need request one.


    Have a good weekend everyone.



  • Spring Term 2019. Week Five

    Thu 07 Feb 2019 Mrs D Davies

    It has been a busy week with so many full days.


    Monday was a long day for our Year 4 children at Caerleon, as a school we are so proud of the manner in which all our boys and girls conducted themselves. They not only had a fantastic learning experience at the Roman ruins but also conducted themselves fantastically when they needed to wait for a replacement bus. Well done.


    On Tuesday, our football team was a credit when playing in Carmarthen. I always love to hear the teams return to school and shout out their proud results to the whole school over the sound system! We always hear a cheer that ripples through the school by staff and children - special moments !!


    4L led our assembly this morning - big thanks to them for showcasing their creativity.


    News sent home today to the parents and carers of 3R informs them that Miss Roberts will leave the school at half term to follow a different career path - and we wish her well. From half term until the end of the Summer term, Miss Rebecca Long will teach 3R. Miss Long is currently working i n Ysgol Cwm Brombil in Neath Port Talbot {however, she lives in Pembrokeshire}. She is really looking forward to teaching our children. We expect to see her in school for a few days between next week and half term.


    Please remember Valentine Day Disco tickets on sale and parent evening slips need to be returned if not already done so. 


    Have a great weekend everyone!


    We hope to have news to share with you very soon, regarding our new school app !!!





  • Spring Term 2019. Week Four

    Fri 01 Feb 2019 Mrs D Davies

    Many thanks to all our parents and families for working with the school so supportively during the last few mornings as we experienced such icy and cold conditions. Big thanks again to Mr Williams and Mr Johns for all their hard work in getting the school ready for us to arrive safely.


    I am pleased to inform you that the school has been re assessed for the Health Promoting National Quality Award and has successfully achieved this for the third time since 2014.  This basically means that the school has continued to demonstrate high qualities of wellbeing, safety, hygiene, relationships education, food and fitness etc.. Policies and practice at school reflect this and our assessor was very impressed with how our children spoke about our school.


    Welsh Government published schools' categorisation yesterday and you may now see this in the local press or you may wish to look at the "My Local School " website to compare schools in Wales against ours. Prendergast C.P. has been categorised as "Yellow" . There are four categories in total, ranging from Green- Yellow- Amber- Red, with Green being the most successful. The colour reflects where a school is at on it's journey and how much support it needs . Our school has just received a successful Estyn revisit, demonstrating our drive towards continual school improvement.


    A reminder to our Year4 children - early start on Monday - it is a long drive to Caerleon !!


    Have a good weekend everyone.

