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  • Mrs. D. Davies's Blog 25/06/21

    Fri 25 Jun 2021 Mrs. D. Davies

    What a strange week it has been at school - without 1K!  Thank you boys and girls in 1K for being so brave and keeping yourselves safe after you missed your Sports Day due to your "bubble" needing to isolate.  You are stars!  We hope to see you back at school next Friday ready for your Sports Day.


    Throughout the school, there has been a buzz of excitement as classes engage with their learning - it has been great to see everyone in our whole school assembly this afternoon :)


    Next week will be a busy week at Prendergast C.P. - our Governors appoint our new Headteacher on Tuesday.  We wish them all the best as they make such a difficult decision.


    Thank you for your hard work this week everyone.


    Have a great weekend.



  • Mrs. D. Davies's Blog 18/06/21

    Fri 18 Jun 2021 Mrs. D. Davies

    We have reached the end of another busy week at school.  Throughout the school, children are working hard and engaging well - many have enjoyed practising sports activities this week in readiness for their class "Sports Day" next week.  The latter will be filmed in parts which will be shared with us all on Friday 2nd July.


    There is excitement at the school as we move towards the end of term and year groups transition to a different year.


    Obviously, our Year 6 children are being well prepped in readiness for their big move.  Today, many watched a virtual  presentation of the construction of the new HHVC School, it was quite spectacular!  Transition Days on site are still planned to be face to face experiences at the end of the month.


    Yet again, it was great to see all our children on screen this afternoon in our whole school assembly.





  • Mrs. D. Davies's Blog 11/06/21

    Fri 11 Jun 2021 Mrs. D. Davies

    We have now been in school for a full week since half term.  Our Foundation Phase children have seen their classes returning to a more familiar layout, which has been so good - other than that all other Covid restrictions still remain.


    You will have received a letter from me today regarding some arrangements between now and the end of term.  As Schools can only plan for a maximum of 50 people outdoors (which would include children, staff and any visitors), even holding Sports Day as 15 individual class events will not work  safely.  As a consequence and sadly - each class will hold their "Class Sports Day", on their P.E. day, week beginning 19th June.  Photos and video clips will be collated and we shall watch them together during our whole school assembly on Friday 2nd July - parents and carers will also have access.


    Each class will be planning a "special event" as part of our whole school "Celebration" topic this half term and this will also be virtually shared with our parents.


    Transition arrangements for our Year 6 classes have already started and will continue.


    I hope you all have an enjoyable and safe weekend.




