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  • Mrs D Davies's Blog 29.05.20

    Fri 29 May 2020 Mrs D Davies

    I am writing to you at the end of a week which would have been Half Term and whilst staff have been working hard at the Hub school, I hope that you have been able to get some rest from Home Learning this week - both children and parents.


    As we approach a new month, our attentions are turning towards school reopening at some stage in the future and possible Welsh Government announcements around this. Myself and other senior leaders are observing how schools in England are planning for their next stage and are thinking constantly about our own school and how things may look. I am sure that many parents will have some anxiety around this, please be assured that you will have fair notice from us with clear information about how reopening would look in our setting.


    School business still continues and I am delighted to inform you that Miss Keating, Miss Griffiths and Mrs A Davies will be teaching with us when children return. Miss Williams has returned from maternity leave but will be leaving us at the end of August to commence a new role at Ysgol Caer Elen.


    I hope that news from the First Minister related to the relaxing of Lockdown in Wales supports our families yet continues to be mindful of the safety of our children.

    We do miss you all, please stay safe.


    Enjoy the weekend's glorious weather .


  • Mrs. Davies's Blog 22.05.2020

    Fri 22 May 2020 Mrs. D. Davies

    Dear Parent/Carer,


    It is hard to think that we are approaching the end of the week prior to the originally planned Half Term.  I thank you all for working so hard with your children and I am so grateful to our amazing teachers who have so conscientiously led Home Learning provision, whilst working on rota at the hub and also completing other professional work.  Like our children, they are awesome!


    Next week, everyone needs a break from Home Learning - children, teachers and parents/carers.  I urge you to spend some relaxing time together as families.  There are so many who have worked so very hard! 


    Well done all and stay safe.



  • Mrs Daves's Blog 15.05.20

    Fri 15 May 2020 Mrs D Davies

    Bore Da all,


    we have now arrived at the end of another week at our school Hub and the end of another week of home learning for so many of our children and parents/ carers . I am hearing such great things about fantastic learning across the school - well done everyone. We all miss you so much, your teachers love hearing from you and tell us in our regular meetings about the work you are completing. Our parents and carers are doing a fantastic job during this tricky time for everyone .I am proud of the efforts of everyone. 


    Please do not worry if you are finding Home Learning difficult, there is always someone at school that you can talk to about this and they will support you.


    Keep showing super Values at home everyone, gather great memories to remind yourself when you are older about this special time  -  I look forward to seeing you all in the near future.


    Parents, please provide PCC with your thoughts about schools reopening - the survey closes on Tuesday.


    Take Care, Stay Safe !


    D .D

  • Mrs Davies's Blog 08.05.20

    Fri 08 May 2020 Mrs D Davies

    Another week at the Hub has passed and I hope that you are all coping well with your Home Learning. Well done to those parents and carers who have been "teachers" at home as well, particularly if they are working from home.

    Many of you will be listening to the media and will be awaiting news regarding the opening of schools. Please be aware that we have been assured that schools will not reopen until it as safe as possible for pupils and staff who attend. Any such return will be partial to begin with. Please keep on with the work set by your child's teacher and if you have any issues , please let us know - we have staff at school everyday . If you call in the morning, our own office staff will be able to speak to you and pass on a message to whoever you need .

    I would like to congratulate those pupils who have produced some fantastic learning at home, our teachers have been overwhelmed by the standard and effort of so many.


    If you are parents of little people you may find the document below to be a useful piece of reading, I certainly did. Please click on the link to open.


    Continue to stay safe everyone. I miss you all.




  • Mrs Davies's Blog - 01.05.20

    Fri 01 May 2020 Mrs D Davies

    c Good Morning Everyone,


    I hope that you have had a good week with your family and that you and people who live with you are safe and well. I hope that you have been keeping yourselves safe by staying with those in your household and also been taking advantage of the good weather during your daily hour's exercise outdoors or maybe through play in your garden, if you are lucky enough to have one.


    We still see some children most days if they have parents who are critical keyworkers and they attend our childcare setting at school.

    Your teachers tell me that many of you are working really hard at your Home Learning and they are impressed with your efforts, thank you for this . Work as hard as you can for as long as you can and remember to have fun time also. Be proud of your achievements.


    We are still working very hard as staff and we have to get used to some new things too. We , like you, have to spend more time working from home and many of us find that very tricky. We still meet up regularly to discuss you and your learning but now it is just a few people  at a time in school or virtually using tools such as Skype or Teams , when we can all see each other on a screen. It is a different way of working for us and we shall all have lots of stories to share when we are back together again.


    If you are having difficulty with your learning or have some worries, please let your teacher know, I know most of you are in contact with them.


    A message for our parents and carers - well done ! We realise the pressure that everyone is experiencing during these times. Please remember that we are here for you . If you need anything, please let us know . There is staff at school throughout the weekdays who can support you and signpost you . We don't want anyone worrying any more than they need to.


    Take care and stay safe you precious people !


    D. Davies


