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  • Mrs Davies's Blog Spring Term - Week 4

    Fri 31 Jan 2020 D Davies

    It is hard to believe that we have been back in school four weeks since the Christmas holidays and that already half term is approaching!

    Senior Leaders at school undertake a Learning and Teaching review this time of year and all have enjoyed seeing the children engage in their learning at such a great level.  We have observed Year 2 children busily helping Mr Matthews with his car problems, Year 1 creating Land art and stick man and Reception classes dissecting dinosaur poo to work out if it was from a herbivore or carnivore.

    Throughout the school this week, again, we have seen so many great things - super effort and super homework.

    Miss Harte held a drop in session for parents this week with a focus on how to use our Oxford Reading Buddy app.  I remind you all that all of our children from Reception to Year 6 have a passcode to access hundreds of free books that can be accessed via mobile phone or tablet.

    The school as paid some considerable money for this provision, so please have a look at it - your child may well love it,  Of course, it will never replace a real book but can be exceptionally useful on times e.g. waiting for appointments/journeys etc..

    Thank you 4H for leading our family assembly .

    Parents' evenings next week - we hope to see you all.


    D Davies

  • Mrs. Davies's Blog Spring Term Week 3

    Fri 24 Jan 2020 Mrs Davies

    Week Three of the new term has been very busy indeed.  Children in all classes have settled well into their new topics and we see great levels of enthusiasm about what is being learnt across the school.


    Our Reception children continue to have a fun, learning time finding out about and discovering "real" Dinosaurs.  The two classes experienced a Dinosaur safari adventure earlier in the week...... and they did indeed find dinosaurs - they even have dinosaur eggs hatching in class.


    We have so many good things happening at the moment, today I make special mention about one of our Year 4 pupils - Ryley.  Ryley loves koala bears and has been worried that they may become extinct due to the horrific bush fires.  He has actively set up fundraising to save koalas.  Well done Ryley, please support this if you are able, I know that Year 4 are keen to begin selling cakes to promote this event.  Well done to Chloe, Tia and Steffan also today who independently led a presentation on how we can all work together to look after our school and keep it tidy. 


    The Feather Duster award this week was presented to 4H (the children will explain this to you I am sure).


    Year 3 children looked fantastically colourful today in readiness for their  Mad Hatter  un birthday tea party, part of the new topic launch of Year 3.


    What a super week at school.  Have a good weekend everyone!



  • Mrs Davies's Blog Spring Term Week 2

    Fri 17 Jan 2020 Mrs D Davies

    The end of a busy week has arrived and the whole school and families enjoyed an assembly led by Year 4 this morning with a focus on this term's topic about The Romans. Everyone, I am sure, learnt something new. Thank you 4L.


    There have been some exciting " launch " days planned for different topics this term and some beautiful homework sent into school  by Year3 who created their own imaginary worlds. Well done to those boys and girls.


    We look forward to next week , particularly, for our Reception children as they prepare to enjoy a dinosaur safari!!


    Have a good weekend everyone! 



  • Mrs Davies's Blog Spring Term Week 1

    Fri 10 Jan 2020 Mrs D Davies

    Happy New Year everyone, we have had a good start to the new term this week.


    Monday was a busy day for all staff with a full day of training in preparation of the implementation of our 2022 new curriculum, yet we all looked forward to the return of the children on the following day.


    Mrs. Reynolds observed on the gate, the great welcome that the children gave to each other as they met o their first day back on Tuesday.  Throughout the week, classes have been planning their new topic, or indeed have become fully engaged very quickly - an example of this would be the dinosaurs who left slime, footprints and eggs on the Early Years playground on Wednesday afternoon.


    There will be many exciting "Launch" sessions for topics across the school over the next couple of weeks, the focus will be as follows:


    Nursery - Dinosaurs

    Reception - Time Travellers

    Y1 - What's Outside

    Y2 - Journeys

    Y3 - A World of Pure Imagination

    Y4 - Romans

    Y5 - Wanderlust



    I am sure that your child/children will keep you updated!


    We hope to see you at school this term and we shall ensure that there are many opportunities for you to join us.


