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  • Mrs Davies's Blog 25.09.20

    Fri 25 Sep 2020 Mrs D Davies

    We have now reached the end of September, how quickly these weeks have passed - the children have settled so well and our routines and protocols are now well established putting us in a good position prior to any further local lockdown restrictions.


    Thank you to all our parents/carers for all your fantastic effort in supporting us to keep our children safe and happy in school.  We hugely appreciate our children being punctual to start the day.


    Please ensure that your child wears a coat to school everyday, the weather is getting colder and we want the children to be outside as much as possible,


    We had our first whole school assembly today, many congratulations to all those young people who have been presented with our Headteachers' Awards, Reader/Writer of the Week and VIPs.  Our assemblies have now taken the form of virtual experiences screened in each classroom.


    Have a lovely weekend all.



  • Mrs. D. Davies's Blog 18/09/2020

    Fri 18 Sep 2020 Mrs. D. Davies

    Our children have now been back at school for at least two whole weeks.  It has been wonderful to see them settling in and enjoying themselves in the company of their peers.  This week, we have welcomed our new Nursery children to the school and have been so impressed with the way in which they have entered and left the school - thank you to waiting parents of Years 2/3 who have been so courteous in giving them space on the red stars when leaving.


    I have a big thanks also for all of our staff this week - to our supply staff who have embraced our school setting, working so hard with our children in different parts of the school (we are so grateful to them) to our experienced school staff who I see on a daily basis, scooping up our children, working closely alongside them in such a caring but safe manner.


    I realise it is a difficult time for parents and particularly difficult for those whose children are experiencing coughs and colds and general unwellness - thank you for informing school.


    The weather has been kind to us this week, allowing the children to enjoy the outdoors - let us hope that it will continue.


    Have a lovely weekend all.



  • Mrs. D. Davies's Blog 11/09/20

    Fri 11 Sep 2020 Mrs. D. Davies

    The week ends after all our children have experienced school.  Reception to Year 6 have been at school all week and our youngest Nursery newbies have spent some time getting to know their new setting.  The children have been wonderful.  It has been without doubt, tiring and strange with so many different practices at school in the current situation.  I congratulate every one of them.  I am so proud of the way little ones have left their parent/carer at the gate and walked into school and how all have managed the break and lunchtime arrangements.


    Parents and Carers also have been amazing - thank you for showing patience whilst we practised the safest exit routes, for being punctual and standing on our red stars to drop off and collect the children.  We are now in a very good position to continue with this next week even if the weather is poor.


    I have written a letter to all parents to explain some minor changes for next week, as follows - 

        -  all children can bring a small bag into school as home/school books         and reading books will be issued

        -  if you want your child to have fruit for breaktime, please provide         this

        -  children to wear P.E. kit on their allocated day please


    Already, the school has experienced some staff absence (non covid) this term, as a consequence, we have secured regular supply teachers to become part of our school staff bubble in the shorter term with an aim to secure consistency if teachers are absent.


    I thank nearly all our parents for their respectful social distancing - it is imperative that we set an example for our children and keep each other safe.


    Also, sent home today is a P.C.C. parental advice sheet regarding Covid symptoms with children.


    If you have any queries or wish to get a message to your child's teacher, please ring the school office and staff will support with your query/request.


    Thank you all for a good week at school.  Have a great weekend!




    If you have older children who access Tik Tok, please read our latest information regarding advice for parents.





  • Mrs D Davies's Blog 04/09/20

    Fri 04 Sep 2020 Mrs D Davies

    It is the end of Day 2 for many of our children at school and it has been so wonderful to see them all.  They have settled back into school remarkably - like they have never been away, particularly our youngest children who we thought may have found new classrooms, routines and staff a little more difficult.  The children are a credit to our parents/carers - they are happy, smart and ready to learn.


    On Monday, we look forward to seeing our Year 3 and Year 5 children - all our statutory age children (Reception to Yr 6) will then be at school.  On Tuesday, we shall begin to induct our Nursery children.


    Strict protocols around hygiene have been in place and all children have been most respectful around this, each child has stayed within their own 'class bubble' for work, play and eating.  We feel that this is the safest way for our children and staff at this current time and is in line with Government guidance.  We do not envisage undertaking any mass gatherings until such time when guidance suggests it is possible.


    We have scheduled key events for this term, in the same way as always but have planned, at this time, for assemblies, Harvest, Remembrance etc. to be virtual experiences.


    The school has continued to offer wrap around care for those parents who require it and I thank our staff and Fun Club staff for sharing my want to support our families with this.


    We thank our parents for their patience at the end of the day - it may take us a few days to work through the quickest and safest exit possible and any plan must have a suitable contingency for the wettest weather.


